patience...wish I had some.

“Patience is a virtue, Virtue is a grace; Both put together Make a very pretty face”

Friday, January 28, 2011

my choice

so this weeks blog is about my state and local government teacher....he sucks. plain and simple. he has got to be the most boring and monotoned person i have ever met in my life. I hate going to that class its my last class of the day so I always have the urge to skip. Ill tell you a little bit about him....he has all of our names on individual note cards and that is how he takes roll every day. on those note cards it has our name, where were from, how many credits we have and the reason why we took this course. first of all why does he need to know how many credits we have? I personally think its none of his damn business. and it also has nothing to do with the class. it takes about 10 minutes each day to take roll when he could just hand around a sheet for us to put our name on....but whatever he's weird so I guess that's a good enough reason for him to do so.  another one of his weird rules is there is no eating in class also if you have a drink it has to have a cap on it or its not allowed......that right there reminds me of high school......i don't know if he knows this but were in college now so maybe he should get caught up with the right time. also he says that his class is a public speaking class.....if i would have known that i would have never signed up for it....i never knew state and local government was code for public speaking. and he of all people should probably re take a public speaking class because every other word that comes out of his mouth is ummmmm.....ummmmmm......ummmm!!!! it drives me crazy!!!!!!! so for anyone that is thinking about taking his class....DONT!!!! or at least take it with a different teacher because he will drive you nuts!!! I feel so much better now that i have vented my thoughts on him!!

Friday, January 21, 2011


The rules:
  1. link to the person who tagged you
  2. post these rules on your blog
  3. tell 6 quirks
  4. tag 3 bloggers to do the same
  5. leave them a comment to let them know you've tagged them

My Quirks:
  1. This may sound really weird but for some reason I cannot stand it when people wear the colors black and brown together as an outfit.....they do not match, so people should really stop it.
  2. I also cannot stand the word "actually".... whenever some one says that word it makes me cringe and it also makes me think the person using the word is very stuck up and always has to be right on whatever they are talking about.
  3. I am very scared to grow up...this is my third year at northland and Istill havent picked a program to go into....I dont want to pick anything. Every morning before I open my eyes I wish that I was back to being a kid. I had the best childhood ever!!! I grew up in the country, we had no rules out there, no bills, and most important no worries. Now I worry about everything...people who know me dont see that side of me because for the most part I put on the act of "I dont care" but deep down I do and im very scared of whats gunna come next. life is scary and for the people who say its not....they are lying thru their teeth.
  4.  I love hair....yeah that may sound weird but I will tell you why I love and friends have been telling me for all my life that becoming a beautician was my calling. If you look at me I could really care less what mine looks like because I dont have time to do it. As for other people I find it soothing to curl, crimp, or cut theirs. Whenever I give my mom hair cuts or style it for her when she has something to look nice for it takes me to my own little world I feel at peace and slows down time...but like I said in the previous quirk im scared to death to do that for my profession. 
  5. I have a fear of commitment. My parents got divorced when I was in the 8th grade and being the only child I had no one to talk about it to except for my cousins but all their parents are still together to this day so they didnt really have any advise to give either. So when my boyfriend of over 3 years talks about marriage I usually just go along with it, but to myself I dont want to get married because im afraid that what happened to my parents will happen to me.
  6. I love to play tennis....however, I havent done that in about 2 years and hope to start really soon. The only thing that is holding me back is having someone else to play with that knows what they are doing and can keep a game going without having to stop after every hit.
Three people I tagged are......
  • Wild at Heart
  • This is me talking
  • a well of words

Thursday, January 13, 2011

why write

So it took me forever to think of a name and I still dont like it...but polish thoughts explains me pretty well I think so Ill stick with it. anyways....back to the real topic of this blog, why write. I write to releave stress and to plan things that are going to happen in my life. Such as I made a huge list of what im going to buy when I get my tax money back this year and when I recieve financial aid, it includes coach shoes, wallet, and possibly a new purse, along with clothes, a new bed set and many other things. I know spending my financial aid on that stuff may sound stupid to some people because its meant to be spent towards schooling.....but I am very fortunate to have a very loving gramma and grampa that pay for my college....sooooo buying some stuff that I want with money that im going to have to pay back anyways it just fine with me! I also write to releave stress.....a college students life can become very stressful in a matter of minutes. I work full time at a gas station, go to school full time, manage having a boyfriend....who is in wahpeton going to college and even tho he's 2 and a half hours away puts more stress on me than anything else. On top of that I have tons of bills that have to be paid every month and in the mix of all that trying to have a social life with my friends. so whenever I feel melt down coming on I write a HUGE list of all the good things in my life to get my spirits up. Thats why I write it helps me stay sane.