patience...wish I had some.

“Patience is a virtue, Virtue is a grace; Both put together Make a very pretty face”

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Jeff needs to take a chill pill

so this blog is a "my choice" blog and i decided to write about my friend Jeff....he is a spaz and should really learn to settle the fuck down. why? well let me tell you night Jeff and my other friend Ashlyn..a.k.a 'K' came to my work to visit me and Jeff was being in one of those annoying moods and everything he was doing was pissing me off...i was trying to tell a story and he kept interrupting me...which is really i was getting upset. i just blew it off because i wasn't in the mood to argue and for him to get his panties in a bunch so i just shut up and kept on with my work i had to do before we closed. Then K asks him if he was still coming over to my apartment because we were all going to relax and watch movies...he says..."yes, but someone has to give me a ride to my apartment so i can get my stuff." He drove to my work so why in the hell would I or anyone have to give him a ride to HIS then i said, "Why don't YOU drive YOUR pick-up to YOUR house to get YOUR stuff." he got so pissed off that he just left....then later we texted him and said that he should just get over it and he did...during this time we were at my friend Ashley's house to see her baby she just had about a week ago...Ashlyn asked Jeff are you still coming over to watch movies he goes yes i am 2 blocks away....i thought what the hell we are not there so ashlyn says we will be home in a bit we are at Ashley's seeing the baby...then Jeff proceeds to flip out and say we are bitches, cunts, and that he has lost all respect for us, and for us to never talk to him again. I was thinking what the fuck is his issue. he had no right to flip out on us...HE was the one that stormed out of tesoro because i told him straight up on how his plan for someone to give him a ride to HIS house was stupid as fuck. and it was HIS fault for not telling us he was on his way to our house...2 blocks away isn't enough time for someone to get across town....then the next day i texted him if he was still mad and he said i became the bigger person once again and apologized to him for apparently flipping out on him in tesoro and being rude or some shit.....I personally think he should have apologized for calling us bitches, cunts, and all that stuff, but he still hasn't said anything....JEFF IS A SPAZ AND I CANT BELIEVE I HAD TO APOLOGIZE FOR SOMETHING THAT I SAID THAT MADE TOTAL SENSE.....HE IS CRAZY AND I WANT TO PUNCH HIM.

1 comment:

  1. I like your blog. Jeff sounds like a total jerk. Sometimes I act like Jeff, but I usually don't carry on like that. I also don't interrupt people when they are talking. I think your friend needs to grow up and confront what is really bothering him.
